
1:1 Personal training

What personal training includes: 

– One to one personal training at Physical Performance Gym in kenton.
– Initial consultation. Assessing goals, lifestyle, training history, injury and health history and nutrition. This can be done in person or over video call. 
– Assessment. This includes structural balance and exercise capability testing. 
– Calliper test of skin folds and/or tape measurements for body composition analysis.
– Personalised training programs based on the outcome of the above.
– Personalised nutrition plans.
– 60 minute personal training sessions 1,2 or 3 times per week
–  Ongoing support via various modes of communication

Assessment & Online Coaching

Here I will assess you, face to face, collecting all the data I need before personalising a program for you to take away and use on your own.

What assessment & programming includes:

– Initial consultation. Assessing goals, lifestyle, training history, injury and health history and nutrition. This can be done in person or over video call. 
– Assessment. This includes structural balance and exercise capability testing. 
– Personalised training programs based on the outcome of the above.
– Continued guidance and support throughout via various modes of communication
– Monthly consultation and review


If you’re not where you want to be with your health and fitness and you’re uncertain whether you’re doing the right exercise, eating the right way and managing stress the best way you can. One-off consults are designed to give you the opportunity to be guided in the right direction. 

What consultancy includes:

– 30 or 60 minute face to face, phone or video call consults
– Personalised action plan summarising the points we’ve discussed 
– On going support via email

Fit For Golf

“ The most durable and healthy golfers are the most consistent and successful”

– Increase your performance by removing the limitations holding you back on the golf course
– One to one training tailored to suit all levels of strength, conditioning and gym experience

What Fit For Golf includes:

– Assessment and evaluation using functional movement screening, structural balance assessment, fitness testing and body composition skin folds assessment
– Personalised training plan for both the playing season and off season
– At home maintenance plan including mobility and conditioning drills
– Nutrition plan taking into consideration previous dietary methods and based upon body composition assessment

Want to work with me?