Fit For Golf




Throughout my 15 years experience as a Personal Trainer, I have worked with a number of golfers from beginner through to high level amateurs.

I have worked with keen golfers of all levels of strength, fitness, general conditioning and experience in the gym. 

When working with golfers, a lot of the principles of putting together an individualised program apply. As they would for any general population client.
Building a foundation of mobility, strength, stability and control is fundamental. As you progress and build strength and improved mobility, more power can be generated, increasing club head speed and gaining that all important distance.

Assessment is a vital component of setting up an individualised training plan. Feedback from the client on their swing characteristics, limitations and compensations combined with a structural balance assessment and screening process will reveal the path forward to increased performance.

A lot of problems I have encountered with golfers of an amateur level relate to previous exercise and training methods. In general they are far too weak, immobile, and unconditioned to be able to reach their performance potential. A selection of poor exercises done in a restricted range of movement has often led to injury, compensated swing patterns and general low levels of conditioning, short of what is required to play 18 holes of golf.

Based off assessment, picking the right exercises, done well in the correct range of movement, correcting the imbalances is a simple way of improving performance on the golf course.
The most durable and healthy golfers are the most successful and consistent. 

A personalised approach to nutrition is also something we look at. Eating the right way, at the right time, leads to improved focus, energy and clarity. Blood sugar issues, both high and low, are common robbers of performance, focus and alertness. Ever noticed your game goes downhill on the back 9 when your’e hungry, thirsty and lacking the focus of the front 9? To be productive, you have to eat well and a proper nutrition plan will add to your results and fuel performance. 

Enquire at the link below for more information on how Fit For Golf can help you