Fit For Life Blog

Sharing my knowledge of health, strength and performance. I aim to provide education through experience, tips and strategies to help you become energised, healthy, leaner, stronger, happier and more productive.

My aim for this blog is to provide information you can apply straight away in order to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Recent blog posts:

Great sleep should be a priority

Encouraging Great sleep is a priority I rank with great importance for myself and all of my Fit For Life clients. The better you sleep the better your results in performance, fat loss, muscle build, how you eat, and how you recover from workouts.…

Breaking old habits and building new ones to reach your goals

A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. Good habits generally help shape us and support our well-being with little effort. Bad habits do the opposite and, again with little effort, support a bad lifestyle leaving us unfulfilled,…

20 tips to improve your training, health and well-being

1. Be grateful. Make a positive decision to shift your focus on to what is good in your life. From re-wiring your thought process and altering your brains plasticity, to boosting feel good chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin, you can reduce stress and build…

is stress the cause of your symptoms

Following different social media accounts and reading blogs from various coaches, medicine practitioners, nutritionists and personal trainers I’ve come across this statement a number of times lately. “A lot of food intolerances are caused by thinking you have one” This has led me to…

Functional hypertrophy training

Someone asked me what my training goals were the other day. I’m generally looking to improve my strength in the squat, chin up, and deadlift. Id like to be able to move very well and perform the above lifts to a high standard of…

The beauty of his approach is that it is truly personal.

I started coming to see Dan following a debilitating accident. He worked with the physiotherapist and remedial massage therapist, developing an exercise regime to help me regain a full range of movement in my injured hip and shoulder. He helped me recover the strength…

Why strength training is so important for runners

Doing any repetitive exercise like running creates muscle imbalances. This is where one muscle or group of muscles is stronger than its opposing muscles. Structural imbalance will always at some point, lead to pain, inflammation and injury. Unfortunately this can outweigh some of the…


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